Susan K. Perry's Books

Susan K. Perry is a writer on social psychological topics. Her seven books include her dissertation-turned-bestseller Writing in Flow: Keys to Enhanced Creativity, for which she interviewed 75 famous novelists and poets (famed flow expert Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi was on her doctoral committee); and Loving in Flow: How the Happiest Couples Get & Stay That Way. She contributed to several academic volumes. Having taught for years at university extension programs, she prefers, as an introvert, constant access to her keyboard’s Delete key. She blogs for The BrightsPsychology Today, and Patheos, aiming to enhance public understanding of secularism, rationalism, and humanism. Her first novel is Kylie’s Heel (Humanist Press, 2013), in which an atheist advice columnist copes with great loss without the comfort of faith. Visit her website.


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